Did you know…

Congress and Corporate Elites can Make Stock Trades Despite their Privileged Positions and Knowledge—

Completely Legally?

There are roughly 4,000 insider trades every single day.  CEOs, board members, chief financial officers… 

These guys can buy and sell their own company’s stock completely legally

Think about that. Upcoming deals… new regulations… positive earnings reports… 

These insiders see it all long before we retail traders ever hear about it. But here’s where it gets crazy:

As long as these insiders do one little thing, they can trade on this inside information 100% legally.

Is it fair? Of course not. But it doesn’t matter. 

Because veteran trader and former Wall Street Vice President Ross Givens has developed a strategy that allows him to see exactly when these insiders place their trades… 

And You will never guess what the Corporate elites of Nvidia are doing right now… 

Their earnings report will be released later today and it might be a shock to some of you. 

Ross created a special report specifically for the corporate trading he has been tracking over the last few days and weeks. 

You need to get your eyes on it before the earnings report drops later this evening.

By simply following this insider buying activity, Ross alerted his readers to wins of 520% on REZI… 1,090% on CDLX… And 1,787% on MTDR.

About Ross Givens

Ross is a veteran trader, investor, and once-upon-a-time Wall Street insider. After rising through the ranks of JP Morgan Chase, Ross left his leadership role to become an independent trading educator. Now, he teaches regular investors the trading strategies he learned on Wall Street.